Everything You Need to Know About Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products in the UK
of smelling like chemicals and bleach after cleaning the bathroom? Forget about
wearing a mask and risking your health. A top-quality set of eco-friendly
cleaning products in the UK
can make your cleaning chores much easier and moremanageable!
The benefits of using eco-friendly cleaning products in the UK
supplies don’t have the best reputation when it comes to their effect on human
health and our environment. Fabric cleaners, for instance, contain Perchloroethylene
(PERC), a known carcinogen and neurotoxin. Meanwhile, heavy-duty cleansers may
have formaldehyde; a compound associated with neurodegenerative diseases and
depression. Ammonia, sodium hydroxide, and chlorine are also common ingredients
in many cleaning solutions.
what makes eco-friendly cleaning products different? Unlike the common brands
on supermarket shelves, they do not contain any ingredients that might promote
allergic reactions, such as bleach, dyes, synthetic fragrances, and sulphates.
addition, environmentally friendly cleaning supplies are often cruelty-free and
packaged in reusable bottles or even come completely plastic-free to help
reduce waste!
What eco-friendly cleaning products in the UK
should you look for?
sure where to start when you’re shopping for brand-new eco-friendly cleaning
supplies? Here are a few things to get you started:
1. Antibacterial kitchen
surface cleaner
Your kitchen countertop is one of the most
bacteria-ridden places in your home, with almost 500 bacteria per square inch.
Of course, you wouldn’t want to risk placing ingredients on a dirty counter, and
an eco-friendly antibacterial surface cleaner is definitely essential.
These cleaning products can penetrate through grease
and dried food with no problem. Plus,a single 500mL sachet can last you weeks!
2. Coconut fibre scrub pad
Hate scrubbing burnt food off your pots and pans? A
coconut fibre scrub pad can make the task much more manageable! This product is
100% biodegradable and isperfect for removing crust off non-stick surfaces.
3. Reusable spray bottles
What better way to store your eco-friendly cleaning
products than in a reusable bottle? Don’t waste any more plastic by refilling
the bottle with your cleanser of choice. This not only helps to save
environment but also saves you a lot of money in the long run!
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